Rubbish dumping in the Hawston Fisherhaven area has become a serious problem. In cities around the world the reduction of landfill sites has become a priority, because we are throwing…
The aerial pictures of the Bot Estuary, which follow, show significant changes in the estuary over the recent past. The estuary is tending towards a fresh water lagoon with lower…
This pamphlet of invasive plant species in Fisherhaven has been widely distributed locally, published in Greenheart & Botfriends Facebook page. Many of the articles on this site deal with invasive…
The Paddavlei ecosystem in Hawston, Western Cape, South Africa is a critical wetland area in need of rehabilitation. A body of concerned residents formed the Paddavlei Ecosystem Group (PEG) which…
Conservation problem with invasive species was compiled in June 2018, by Mike Austin, and with the recommendations made in the national report on biological invasions served as a basis for…
Notes on the Paddavlei, Hawston include a visit from Heidi Nieuwoudt from the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), the reports on the Paddavlei Joint Action Team (PJAT) instigated by the…
Summary of the Paddavlei Ecosystem Rehabilitation report M N Austin The Paddavlei wetland was once a balanced, stable, self-sustaining, wetland ecosystem providing numerous services to the local community. That was…