Month: January 2020

Botfriends Challenge

Botfriends clearing alien species challenge The Botfriends challenge was issued by Bruce Bayer, to the community of Botfriends for the clearing of alien species on public land, with a generous…
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Paddavlei ecosystem wetland

The Paddavlei ecosystem in Hawston, Western Cape, South Africa is a critical wetland area in need of rehabilitation. A body of concerned residents formed the Paddavlei Ecosystem Group (PEG) which…
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Alien species proliferation in Ward 8

Alien species proliferation in Ward 8 report was compiled by Mike Austin in response to the national report released in 2017 as a preliminary assessment of Ward 8. The Western…
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Comments on Western Cape Biodiversity Bill

Comments on the Western Cape Biodiversity Bill were made by Mike Austin, Botfriends, on a draft which has been circulated for comment. Rob Fryer of Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) circulated…
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How to clear alien plants

How to clear alien plants, a preliminary report finalised in an update on data from the Bot Challenge and part of the Biodiversity and biological invasions of Ward 8. Alien…
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Clearing exotics within suburban areas

Clearing exotics within suburban areas is a brief initial document superseded by a more comprehensive document on dealing with invasive species in the whole Fisherhaven Hawston area. This was also…
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