Month: January 2020

Botfriends newsletter January 2020

Botfriends newsletter January 2020. Botfriends produces a monthly newsletter with brief comments on current environmental issues. These Botfriends newsletters constitute a summary of activity which Botfriends is currently involved in.…
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Afdaksrivier Trust Housing Development

Botfriends comments on the Afdaksrivier Trust housing development for farm 21/575. The process for getting approval for the development is an ongoing process with many twists and turns, especially for…
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Comment summary on fire policy document

Comment summary on fire policy document Policy for: Creating and maintaining fire-wise vacant erven within urban areas Revision: September 2018 as prepared by the OSM. A post on Fire A…
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Notes on fire issues in Fynbos

Notes on fire related issues in the Fynbos area of the Western Cape, South Africa are presented below. These were more detailed reports used in Fire A natural force in…
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