Botfriends alien clearing program is a three-year proposal for clearing alien vegetation, put forward by Michael Austin of Botfriends to clear about 3 000ha of the immediate surrounds of the Bot River Estuary. This proposal is based on 30ha of green areas (already cleared and followed up by Botfriends on donations made by local inhabitants). This has been done cost-effectively, with techniques already established and with data already gathered on these areas. Reported under News item, Botfriends Challenge on this website.
In the document, Botfriends alien clearing program, we have argued the case why the clearing of the alien vegetation, especially in this area, is the first step in estuary management. Estuary management involves the establishment of biodiversity corridors, for both flora and fauna, recovery of wetland areas which benefit water and erosion management and especially in reducing fire risk, which is extremely high on the east bank of the estuary. No overall land use plan exists for the Ward 8 area (which contains the whole project area) and the data gathered by the program will be able to provide a detailed land use plan for the area. The detailed funding proposal of the Botfriends alien clearing program can be downloaded below. The data obtained can then be expanded to the greater Hermanus area to ensure stable and sustainable vegetation management for the long term future. This is especially relevant to the Bot River estuary which is a RAMSAR site within the Kogelberg Biosphere.
Other documents prepared for the BACP are the start of the BACP, detailed financial schedule, a preliminary financial plan and a follow on document on roles and job descriptions. A media release has been written on Botfriends and the BACP.
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