Month: February 2022

Gallery of flower pictures

This gallery of indigenous vegetation flowering around the estuary, taken by a local friend of the Bot River Estuary, and published on his Facebook page Fisherhaven Flora. Indigenous vegetation flowering…
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Clearing aliens from public green spaces

A need for follow up clearing of aliens from public spaces is reaching crisis proportions. During 2018-2020 the clearing of alien vegetation from over 20ha of public spaces in Fisherhaven…
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Rainfall Fisherhaven January 2022

Rainfall for Fisherhaven Overberg as recorded from 2017 to 2022. The rainfall for January 2022, as recorded for Fisherhaven was extremely low, only 1.5mm, the previous amount of rain of…
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World wetland day

The theme for World Wetland Day 2 February,2022 is “Wetland action for people and nature”. Wetlands contain the most diverse number of vegetative species in the world.  The United Nations…
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