Category: Eco

Activity of Botfriends 2020

Activity of Botfriends 2020, Botfriends Chairpersons activity report October 2020 It gives me great pleasure to report on what Botfriends has been doing since our last AGM in May 2019.…
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Activity of Botfriends 2019

Activity of Botfriends 2019 at the AGM: Chairperson’s report May 2019 Thank you all for attending and giving up your Saturday morning. It gives me pleasure to report on what…
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Aims & objectives of Botfriends

Aims & objectives of Botfriends (Friends of the Bot River Estuary and its Environs)   16 September 2018 Thank you all for the support in keeping Botfriends going. Botfriends is a…
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Rainfall for Fisherhaven May 2021

The latest rainfall for Fisherhaven May 2021. The month of May was exceptionally wet, second highest recorded monthly rainfall of 225mm. All of this rain was slow and steady, so…
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Report on Ward 8 meeting 15 March 2021

Report on the Ward 8 committee meeting 15 March 2021 I attended the meeting on 15 March 2021 as the Botfriends representative. Botfriends are concerned with environmental issues over most…
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Drainage lines: flooding

Drainage lines cause potential flooding in built up areas and are often engineered to do so. In the past, drainage ditches were installed on roads with very little or no…
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Die Eiland Bot River Estuary

‘Die Eiland’ of the Bot River Estuary: whose responsibility? ‘Die Eiland’ is a small island within the Bot River Estuary, which is flooded at very high water within the estuary.…
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The Saga of the Bot Estuary Breach 2020

The Saga of the Bot Estuary breach involves an artificial breach which caused massive environmental damage, rapid closure of the estuary and then a natural breach which started to repair…
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