Year: 2021

Publications on Environmental Aspects

The CEO of Greenheart Projects, Michael Austin, has written, co-authored or contributed to a number of publications on environmental aspects. These all appeared on the Botfriends website, built and owned…
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Bot Estuary damage from the breach now closed

The Bot Estuary extensively damaged from the breach has been ‘open’ for 13 months with environmental damage occurring throughout this period. The Bot River estuary was breached artificially on 21…
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Bot Estuary drainage area

The Bot Estuary has a relatively small drainage area, especially in view of the rather large estuary area. The Bot Estuary drainage area includes the Bot River and Jakkalsriver which…
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Clearing alien plants in Fisherhaven

The clearing of alien plants in Fisherhaven was part of the Botfriends Challenge with the updated data presented in a previous post. Areas were rated in terms of their level…
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Publication Village News Hermanus

A publication in the Village News, Hermanus featured part of the previous post on the “State of Climate Change, October 2021”. This was written by Michael Austin of Greenheart Projects.…
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BREF report on the Estuary breach

The BREF report on the estuary breach ‘Bot Estuary forum presentation’ received 21 January 2021 is presented below in its entirety. Page 9 of 14 on the ‘Water outflow rate’…
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Bot River Estuary Publication

The Bot River Estuary by Michael Austin, publication in CONNECT Lead article in the Arabella Homeowners for Homeowners Newsletter, October 2021 One of Arabella’s greatest assets is its proximity to…
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The state of Climate Change Oct. 2021

The state of climate change October 2021 “Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming” David Bowie INTRODUCTION The global crisis of Climate change is already with us. British…
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