A CHALLENGE FROM OUR COMMUNITY LEADERS: working toward a cleaner environment ( originally published 26 June 20219)

Botfriends can do clearing of invasive species economically and very effectively: clearing on plots we clear will, therefore, last longer than clearing done less effectively by others. Please make a donation to help us do this. Donations of R200 and above qualify for free membership of Bot-friends. Bruce Bayer wrote the following letter to the inhabitants of the Bot estuary and its environs, via the FRA:

Daphne and I have derived enormous, immeasurable pleasure out of our environment in respect of the plants and wildlife in all its forms. We have spent at least R40 000 over the 4 years we have been here on the care of our green spaces that the municipality so neglects and even despoils. A small price to pay for our enjoyment and happiness. We want to donate R2 000 to Bot-friends to continue this care. But we challenge the inhabitants of the estuary and its environs to donate 1/10 of what we do to contribute towards the effective clearing. There are also others in the village whose properties benefit from the state of the environment who could afford 10X what we can. So we challenge them to donate 1/10 of what they can afford, to protect and grow their investment too. We see that the municipality does not have the capacity of any kind to clear to the same standard that Daphne and I have done. We would like to see Bot-friends empowered to continue this in the interest of everyone and every living thing that shares this precious space of ours.

If you feel the need to beautify your surroundings, here are the bank details: Friends of the Bot River Estuary and Environs Standard Bank 185565549 Branch 050312. PLEASE use your name and address as reference. Cash payments: Contact [email protected].

As of 15 July 2019, the Bot-friends have received R10 050.00 in donations.  Thanks to Bruce and Daphne Bayer for starting this initiative, to the community for their contributions to the challenge so far, and to the FRA for publicising it. Look around you and see your surrounds improving.

Additional areas cleared of aliens by Bot-friends in Fisherhaven –  June 2019:

  • Erf 775 (from yacht club along Riverside to Seaway)
  • Part of Farm 0/556 adjacent to Seaway
  • Follow-up Farm 573 below Riverside Erf 752 (Stormalong And Schooner)
  • A portion of Erf 749 alongside China Marais.

Some results will be published soon as Botfriends Challenge.

A challenge that Greenheart is continuing with.
Greenheart is continuing the challenge

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