Rainfall for Fisherhaven May 2021

The latest rainfall for Fisherhaven May 2021. The month of May was exceptionally wet, second highest recorded monthly rainfall of 225mm. All of this rain was slow and steady, so much of it soaked in and filled the water table, reviving seeps which releases the water slowly to run off into the Bot River estuary.

More information is available on the eco-blog page or the page on Eco-assessment, together with its sub page. Backdated rainfall graphs and comments are available on the Botfriends Facebook page.

Monthly rainfall for FH for May 2021
Monthly rainfall for Fisherhaven

The cumulative rainfall for Fisherhaven, May 2021 shows some interesting trends. April was exceptionally dry and flatlined to May. The May rainfall is now above the maximum line recorded in 2007. With projected high rainfall for June, July and August it looks like we may end up with a new maximum for the year. We shall have to wait and see.

Future months will appear on the Greenheart Facebook page. A yearly summary will be available here.

Cumulative monthly rainfall over 4 years with long term average, wettest and driest years on record for Fisherhaven
Cumulative monthly rainfall for Fisherhaven

The average rainfall for Fisherhaven is relatively low at 519mm per year. However, this normal for the Fynbos area, where the vegetation is adapted to this. Some areas within the Fynbos Biome have much higher rainfall with other species, such as tree species mixed in. A particular feature is the great variability of rainfall from year to year. This variability extends to great variability within the months of the year, as can be seen from the limited data presented here.

In general we appear to going into a period of drier years due to climate change. This does not mean that we may not end up with very wet years interspersed with generally drier years. The wettest year in the last 50 years was 2007. It looks like 2021 could be the wettest year yet, mostly due to the excessive rainfall in May this year.

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