The detailed financial schedule for the BACP

The detailed financial schedule over three years for the BACP follows. The summary is in the Botfriends Alien Clearing Program BACP Business Case.

An initial separate financial plan was drawn up for the BACP, the gist of which is included in the Business Case for the Botfriends Alien Clearing Program Business case. This has a little more detail on the finances, in the different categories of expenditure expected.

The main data input was from the Botfriends challenge where detailed costings and exploration of techniques was made in clearing aliens from from public land in Fisherhaven. The sites ranged from sparsely invaded areas to severely invaded areas and included different past histories of clearing. Data was published on the Botfriends Facebook page and website.

Click on the document below and scroll down to view it.

The area of the Botfriends alien clearing program BACP, Separate financial plan
The area of the project ranges from the fore ground, down to the estuary and includes a section of the far side of the estuary

The detailed financial schedule BACP includes all the area from the immediate fore-ground, down to the estuary and a section of the far bank excluding the Kogelberg mountains in the background. A preliminary proposal for the BACP was posted on this site. A separate financial plan is also available with the broad expenditure expected.

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