Trees for the Fisherhaven area

Over the years many invasive trees and shrubs have been planted in the Fisherhaven area. Especially pines, which when mature shed millions of seeds, many of which have germinated in the green areas (thousands removed in 2019 – 2020). A pamphlet on the most invasive plants was produced in 2020. Many gardens have Australian Myrtle hedges planted. Legally Australian Myrtle is a declared weed which has to be removed. Some gardens even have mature Port Jacksons growing in them, another Australian noxious weed. On the other hand there are some beautiful gardens with indigenous plants and some non invasive alien trees or trees not indigenous to this area of the country.

A list of suitable, indigenous trees for the Fisherhaven area was compiled by Bruce Bayer. This not an exhaustive list, but a good selection. Many of pictures come from Wikipedia, thanks to them. More details of the tree species below can be found there.

1.       Apodytes dimidiatus, Wild Pear

Indigenous trees suitable for Fisherhaven
Wild Pear

3.       Diospyros whyteana, Bladder nut



5.       Kiggelaria africana, Wild Peach

Wild Peach trees suitable for Fisherhaven area
Wild Peach

7.       Podocarpus latifolius, Yellowwood


9.       Harpehyllum caffrum, Wild plum

Wild Plum
Wild Plum

11.   Vepris lanceolata, Wild ironwood

Wild Ironwood


13.   Vachellia (Acacia) xanthophloea, Fevertree

Fever Tree

15.   Syzigium cordatum, Waterberry


17.   Erythrina caffra, Coral tree

Corral Tree


19.   Buddleja saligna, False olive

False Olive


21. Sideroxylon inerme, White milkwood

Indigenous Milkwood tree for Fisherhaven


23.   Loxostylis alata, Tarwood


25.   Olea europaea subsp. africana, Wild olive


27.   Halleria lucida, Tree fuschia



29.   Kigelia Africana, Sausage tree

Sausage Tree

2.       Tarconanthus camphoratus, Wild Camphor

Wild Camphor

4.       Grewia occidentalis, Cross-berry




6.       Schotia brachypetala, Boerboon


8.       Eckebergia capensis, Cape Ash

Cape Ash

10.   Carissa macrocarpa, Martingulu or Natal Plum


12.   Vachellia (Acacia) karoo, Sweetthorn

Acasia karoo


14.   Vachellia (Acacia) siberiana var.woodii, Flatcrown

Tough & Hardy tree for Fisherhaven
Acacia Flat Crown

16.   Syzigium guineense, Highveld Waterberry



18.   Rhus lancea, Karee tree



20.   Buddleja salvifolia, Sage bush

Sage Bush
Sage Bush

22.   Celtis Africana, White stinkwood

Indigenous deciduous tree for Fisherhaven area

24.   Dais cotonifolia, Pompom

Dais cotonfolia

26.   Nuxia floribunda, Forest elder


28.   Ilex mitis, Cape holly

Cape Holly

30.   Rhus pendulina, River karee/witkaree

Rhus pendulina

In Fisherhaven many areas have very shallow soils. Digging a large hole into heavy clay or sub-layer through which water will not penetrate may kill your tree by waterlogging it. It would be better to create a mound with additional soil to plant your tree on. Soil quality is often a problem, very low nutrient content. To alleviate waterlogging and poor nutrient it might be better dig a trench for drainage and add lots of organic matter and long term phosphates. Successful tree planting requires some protection from exposure and especially wind damage. This is a very dry area in general and generally rainfall is not sufficient to grow trees. Usually this is not a major problem with strategic watering. Remember that rain falling on rooves, hardened driveways and roads will run off, position your trees to be able to use this water. Remember that most of our rain comes in the winter and most trees grow best in the dry summer months, hence the need for additional water at this time.

Trees in the Fisherhaven area require some mothering, especially to get them established. However, they are well worth a little effort, provide shade, store lots of carbon and well established trees are great to look at.


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